Losing weight twice as difficult as diets claim

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By Dmitrii0 comments
losing weight 9

Losing weight is the target for many people. Thumb states rule says about cutting 500 calories per day due to the special diet plan. In this article, you will know how to drop about 1 pound per week naturally and without side effects. If you are really interested in it, read the article.

Losing weight: 1 pound per week

losing weight 8It can be rather difficult for losing weight safe even 1 pound per week. That is so because you will decrease metabolism while changing the daily ration. The slower metabolism, the less is possible to lose.

The US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has developed an online slimming calculator. The free program can let people correct their diet plan and to accelerate metabolism without pills. Here you will see the necessary list of products, training and other ways of activity to slim down fast.

Sure, the tool is perfect for specialists. But common people can use it too. Just follow the information you will get there and change your lifestyle.

Slimming rule

According to the general rule, it is easy to slim down naturally due to decreasing the calorie consumption. It is enough to reduce the daily ration to 100 calories to drop extra weight without side effects.

Specialist of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Vancouver Dr. Kevin Hall, one of the designers of the online calculator, said: “…the old rule of thumb predicts twice as much weight loss after a year and it gets worse after that.”

So, people have been using the simple rule wrong for several years. That’s why they couldn’t get any efficient slimming. So, while following any diet plan, metabolism decreases. And the new calculator can help people to keep metabolism stable or even accelerate it safe.losing weight 6

What should you know about the new slimming calculator

The calculator needs the following information:

  • Age.
  • Sex.
  • Height.
  • Weight.
  • Physical activity.

According to the information, you will get the necessary for your diet plan. The plan won’t decrease your metabolism.

Scientists believe that the program will help people to match up their expectations about weight loss with the changes in diet and physical activity that would be required to both reach those goals and maintain them. Also, they believe, that eating healthy food will help people to keep their target weight and to stay slim.

So, if you are really interested in fast and safe slimming without extreme diets, you may try the Weight Balance system. Here you will find a lot of healthy diet plan, which is based on scientific researches. That’s why it is easy to lose about 5 pounds per month naturally. But if you purchase the Weight Balance system on the website, you will also get the special weight loss training plan. The plan will try to lose 5-7 pounds per month more.

Updated: July 23, 2017 Author: Dmitrii

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Hi, I am Dmitrii!

I have become a master of my own weight without exhausting diets or fasting. No, I am not yet another guru from the weight-loss industry. I am just a regular guy who wanted to live a balanced and healthy life. Like many of you, I have studied great volumes of information on the subject until I have found what truly works for me. And I would like to share all I have learned with you and most importantly, to tell about finding your own way towards a healthy and fit body.

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